Launching a course in Prism App is easy-peasy! You can access the course easily from the home page. Here’s all the ways you can launch a course in the platform: 

Quick Access Widget 

The fastest way to launch a course in Prism App is by using the Quick Access widget. To use it, simply click the widget on the home page and you will see a list of courses you have enrolled in. Select the course you wish to launch and click the “Launch” button.  

 Courses Menu

The My Learnings menu in the top navigation bar also allows you to launch a course in Prism. By clicking the My Learnings menu, you will be taken to the courses page that displays the list of courses you have enrolled in. Select the course you want to launch and click the “Launch” button.  


After launching your course, you will be taken to the course page, and you can start learning. Follow the instructions on the page and enjoy your course!  

We hope this guide was helpful for you in understanding how to launch a course in Prism App. If you need more help or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.