Different types of content playing and its features you can access different types of learning content through the course content player, and get comprehensive learning experience. These include the following: 

Videos:  Videos are great tool for developing a better understanding of the concepts. These are presented in an engaging and visually appealing format to aid in your learning journeyYou can control the video speed, quality and volume and can view the videos in a full-screen modeYou can also launch practice labs which will open up in the same screen, minimizing the video to a corner. 

Recall Quizzes: These are quizzes that are often present at the end of a module to enhance your retention of the concepts. They are not graded and serve as learning aids to help you get thoroughly conversant with the topics. While going through each question in the recall quiz, you will get to know the right answer and wrong answers with hintsif availableThe quizzes are either designed to move forwards in sequence or backwards, never both.  

PDF files: These are PDF files with relevant content that can augment your learningYou can navigate to the page desired by keying in the page number and can also zoom in or out of the pages. 

Online Editor: This includes full-view documents with course material in readable format. It will have the whole document in a single page without pagination. 

Html zip files: These consist of videos/images/pdf files relevant to the course material and can include flashcards and reading material. 

Hands-On: These exercises are curated to give the learners a first-hand experience of coding. You can enter the codes, see the results instantly, and adjust accordingly to rectify mistakes if any. 

Diagnostic Assessments: These are graded assessments that can be timed/non-timed. These are designed to check where you stand with regards to your sub-skills and competencies.