Assignment reports are similar to assessment reports. These show the assignment score and whether your score is poor, fair, average, good, or excellent. It also shows the time spent to complete the assignmentmceclip0.png

You can get more information on the Criteria that you answered incorrectly with the right responses. These are the sections you can view in your assessment report:  

Sub-skill scores:

All the sub-skills present in a course will be displayed against the scores you have achieved. Click on the average score to view the average score achieved in each sub-skill.

Proficiency level: 

This captures your competency level based on your scores in all the sub-skills, and indicates whether you are at the level of novice, intermediate or expert. 

Skill Proficiency: 

Your sub-skill score out of the total score indicates your skill proficiencyIt shows the skill score and their levels assessed in the assignmentYou can explore other skills as well. It also shows your progress from the previous skill score. 


This section how well you fared against specific criteria in the assignment. Your individual score in each is clearly indicated here. It indicates showing the subskill assessed and score for each criteria.