How to access and navigate through Course Assessments? 

Assessments are an integral part of the learning journey on PRISM. Some assessments are designed to take stock of your proficiency level before you get started with a course, while others help in the revision and retention of the concepts learned in a course. 

Where to find your Course Assessments? 

On the PRISM dashboard, click the Courses to unravel the different assessments available under your Study Plan. 

Certain courses might have a primary assessment called the Diagnostic Test. For courses that have a diagnostic assessment, you will need to complete the assessment before commencing the training. It will give you an insight to understand where you stand regarding the course skills before getting started with the actual training.  

The modules in your study plan will get automatically unlocked once you complete the diagnostic assessment.


Once the modules in a course are unlocked, explore each one of them. Some courses will have all modules unlocked at once. Certain courses will allow a module to be unlocked only after the completion of its previous module.  

Your course content will either be in the sequential or non-sequential format. If it is non-sequential, you can access any part of the study plan and if it is sequential, you will only be able to access the next content provided the current content is done (module, topic, asset). 

Stepwise Guide to Navigating through the Assessments  

Below are the steps to follow while undertaking assessments. (Refer Screenshots for clarity). 

Step 1: Your Study Plan lists out the Modules, Topics and Assets in your course. On clicking a module, the topics and assets within it will be shown. Each topic will have assets in them as wellTime durations will be available for all the assets. 

Assessments on the various topics may be listed within the module or outside. You will be able to view the assessment status, number of attempts made and your best score. On completion of the assessment, you will get the View Report button which redirects you to the Assessment Report.mceclip0.png

Step 2: On clicking an Assessment from the study plan, you will be taken to the Assessment instructions page in the TOC, from where you can start the assessment. Read the instructions carefully. You will find information on each assessment such as the total marks, duration, number of questions, pass percentage, and subskills covered. Your assessment attempts and best score will also be displayed.  You can start the assessment by clicking on Start Assessment button. On clicking the start assessment button, the assessment is considered as started and the timer will startif it is a timed assessment.


Step 3: The Assessments will have different types of questions. These include: 


These are multiple-choice questions and have only one correct answer.



These are multiple-choice questions that have more than one correct answer.



These are questions where you should arrange the options in the right sequence to arrive at the right answer. blobid2.png


These questions require matching the options correctly to arrive at the right answer. blobid3.png

Code Lab: 

Coding questions are present for tech coursesYou should type your code in the Editor, enter the values in input and click Run Code to see the output. 


All questions regardless of their type should be answered. You will be able to see only one question at a time. If it is a non-timed assessment, there won’t be any timer; however, timers are present for timed assessments.  

Whenever you close the tab and revisit it again, the timer would show the elapsed time and the assessment would be auto-submitted if the timer ends. 

The test taking screen displays the status of the remaining time of the assessment, the number of questionsand the progress of the assessment. 

You cannot go to the next question without submitting the marked answer. 

warning message is shown whenever you submit a question without marking the answerAnswer submission is a must for scoring as well as progressing to the next question. 

In some assessments, it is only possible to move forward; so be careful while answering the questions and ensure that you do not leave any questions unanswered. You will be able to view the hints if it is available for the questions in the assessment.  

Step 4: Click Finish Assessment when you have completed the assessment. 

Your Assessment will be auto-graded.