The Course Study Plan is a structural breakdown of the course indicating the various types of learning assets that are availableThese are organised into modules which in turn contain topics, assignments, assessments, practice-labs and projects. 

Note: Some course study plans may not have the topics mentioned and learning assets/contents directly listed under modules.


Learning Assets 

Learning assets increase engagement, stimulate recall and facilitate end-to-end comprehension of the course content. To know more about the learning assets, click here. 

The list of modules and topics can be expanded to reveal the learning assets (represented by icons) under each. Each module will have an expand/close (+/-) icon next to itto show or hide the topics and/or learning assets that are grouped below it. 

Skills and Subskills 

Alongside each topic, the skills and subskills that you will pick up along the way are mapped outBased on the skills you need to improve upon, you can revisit the content in order to gain the required level of competency. For more information, click here. 


In accordance with your course purchase, the learning delivery mode is tagged, with ‘SP’ against self-paced learning content and ‘ILT’ against instructor-led training delivered via live virtual classroom or physical classroom. 

Additional Learning Resources 

Additional knowledge resources such as reading materials may also be available for the topics covered under ILT. 

The icons that represent the learning resources are clickable and lead to the available resources. To know more click here. 


The duration of learning that you have covered against each asset is mentioned. If you wish to take a break and come back to a particular learning asset, it can be bookmarked for quick access from the Bookmarks menu. Click here for additional information. 

Assessments and Reports 

When you are attempting the assessments in a course, you can view details like the number of attempts left out of the total available, and your best score out of all the previous attempts. The View Report link will take you to a page with all your previous assessment reports. 

Practice Labs  

Clicking on ‘Practice Labs will open up the preconfigured development editor inbuilt into your learning space, that simulates the real-world developer experience to build and deploy projects onto cloud.  You can fine-tune your coding skills here, without any constraints on timeFor more on practice labs click here. 

Completion Status 

The completion status of various assets, topics and modules will be colour coded as indicated below: 

  • Grey/No green colour-Not yet started 

  • Green Colour with shadow around it- In progress 

  • Solid Green- Completed